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Conveyor with Pinoo

Project Purpose: Distance sensor, servo motor and dc motor using Pinoo Control Card  to create a conveyor system with

Note: Conveyor is a continuous transfer mechanism that allows any material to be transferred from one end to the other.

Duration: 2 lessons

Pinoo Set: Pinoo Full Set

Age Group: 7 years and above


  • Learn to code Pinoo control board

  • Learns to code the distance sensor.

  • Learns to code servo motor module.

  • Dc motor learns to code.

  • Develops algorithmic skills.

  • Coding skills develop.


Materials to be used: Mblock 3 program, pinoo control card, distance sensor, servo motor and module, 2 dc motors and wheels, rj-11 cable



Materials Required for Design: Cardboard, colored cardboard, forex, scissors, glue gun, paint, any material you wish to decorate.














Project Construction:

We cut a 30x10 cm rectangular piece from Forex.  

In the right and left areas of the rectangle, we mark and drill the areas where we will fix the motor (don't forget to make a hole in the motor cable).



Based on the holes we drilled, we fix the motors with a silicone gun.  

We cut a rectangular piece of 32 x 24 cm from Forex. This piece will be our floor.  

We color the floor by painting it with paint. We fix the rectangular part on which the motors are attached to the middle part of the floor.











We create strips with a silicone gun to increase the friction force against the tire. Then we attach the wheels to the motors.





We cut a rectangular strip measuring 65 x 9 cm from cardboard. The cut strip will be the belt of the conveyor.  

We glue the two ends of the strip together and pass through the tires.




We cut a 7.5 x 6.5 cm piece from Forex. We open a distance sensor-sized window in the middle part and place the sensor.




We create a wall around the part where we fix the sensor. To ensure its height from the band, we cut a 13 x 6 cm rectangle from forex and fix it under the part with the sensor.


We fix the distance sensor stand we created to the motor wall.


A rectangular strip of 13.5 x 1 cm from Forex is fixed to the propeller of the servo motor.  

In order for the servo motor to push the product that will come in front of it more strongly, we cut two rectangles of 13 x 1 cm from the cardboard.  

We fix the servo motor distance sensor 10 cm away from where we fixed it. You can change these dimensions according to your own placement.  

We form cubes of 4x4 and 2x2 cm from cardboard. These cubes will be our products.


We decorate the conveyor as we wish.  

Let's make our connections. We fix our Pinoo board behind the motor wall. We connect the motor cable to the appropriate white inputs for the motor, the distance sensor to the purple/green input number 6, and the servo motor to the number 1 (purple) input with the connection cable.


We have completed our connections, now let's move on to the coding part. We will use the mblock-3 application for this.


Let's connect our Pinoo Control Card to the computer with the help of the connection cable and log in to the Mblock3 application. Then let's introduce our Pinoo Control Card to the computer. For this, we first click on the serial port option on the Connect tab. Then we select COM3. (The number may differ depending on the computer and the port.)











After making the serial port connection, let's choose the card we will use from the cards tab. We are working with the Nano model of Arduino.


In order to add the Pinoo extension to our computer, we click on the Manage extensions option from the extensions tab. In the window that opens, we write “Pinoo” in the search engine and it is enough to say download to the result. Installed on our computer.  

We come to the extensions tab again and click on Pinoo. We will write our codes with the Pinoo extension.

In the coding part; We get the code when we click on the Green Flag from the Events menu to start the application.


We want the conveyor belt to run continuously after the green flag is clicked. For this, we take the Pinoo Bot:Yon :Forward Speed:0 code block from the Robots tab and change the Speed section to 150.  

In order for us to run the tape and all the other operations that we will add later, we take the code block from the control tab and place the block related to Pinoo Bot.












In the initial state and in order for small products to move unhindered along the belt, we need to set the angle of the Servo motor as 0 at the beginning. From the Robots tab, we get the Pinoo Servo Motor Run: Pin Pinoo1 Pain 0 code block.  

We will use the values measured by the distance sensor to separate large products on the belt. We will get help from the dummy to learn the value read by the distance sensor. For this, we get the command to say hello from the view tab. Instead of hello, we get the code block related to the distance sensor in the robots tab. We change the pin input to Pinoo6, which we connect.  


Let's click on the green flag and observe the change in the values by moving our hand closer and further away from the sensor. Then, let's place the bigger one of our boxes under the sensor and note the value that the sensor reads. Here we will take a value of around 6 as reference.



If the distance sensor reads  If it is less than 6, that is, if a large product passes over the band  Let the servo motor work by making an angle of 70 degrees. Now let's turn this into a code.

Here we will make use of the if block in the control tab and the small comparison operator in the operations tab.


If the condition is met, we want the servo motor to make an angle of 70 degrees. From the Robots tab, we get the Pinoo Servo Motor Run: Pin Pinoo1 Pain 0 code block. We change the angle value to 75.  


After the servo motor angle value is 75, we get the 1 second wait command from the control tab so that the motor can stay in this position for 2 seconds. We change the 1 second expression to 2 seconds.


We place our conditional expression inside the repeat block.  

After completing our codes, we check the operation of our project by clicking the green flag. We leave the products on the tape one by one. After the product passes under the distance sensor, if the bar of the servo motor is large, it should come on the band and throw the product off the band. Even if the product is small, the product must complete the belt without obstruction.

(If at the point where the propeller of the servo motor comes on the band,  If you have problems, you can remove the propeller and install it in the appropriate position.)


If there is no problem in the operation of our project, we need to load the codes we have written into our card in order to run our project with a power supply independent of the computer.

For this, we used the code to click the green flag at the beginning and the code where we had the dummy tell the sensor value.  by throwing it in the trash, we get the Pinoo Program code from the Robots menu.



Right click on the code and click upload to arduino. (We work with arduino as a board.)



We are waiting for the codes to be uploaded to the card. After the installation is complete, we close the window.
















If there is no problem, we unplug our power cable from the computer. We power our Pinoo Control board with the help of 9v battery and battery cap. We also bring the on-off button, which is right next to the battery input, to the on position.

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